move::vectormath namespace



namespace wrappers


template<typename vector_type>
struct generic_bounds
struct gpumat4
A 4D vector that is guaranteed to be correctly laid out for GPU usage.
struct gpuvec2
A 2D vector that is guaranteed to be correctly laid out for GPU usage.
struct gpuvec3
A 3D vector that is guaranteed to be correctly laid out for GPU usage.
struct gpuvec4
A 4D vector that is guaranteed to be correctly laid out for GPU usage.
template<typename value_type, typename vector3_type_raw, typename vector4_type_raw, typename quat_type_raw, typename matrix3x4_type_raw, typename matrix4x4_type_raw>
struct generic_mat4_rtm
class generic_normal
class generic_point
template<typename value_type, typename quat_type_raw, typename underlying_matrix3x4_type_raw, typename underlying_matrix4x4_type_raw, typename vec3_type, typename mat4x4_type>
struct generic_quat
template<typename value_type>
struct generic_vec2_scalar
A two component vector that can store either floats or doubles. The underlying implementation is scalar.
template<typename value_type, typename vector_type_raw>
struct generic_vec3_rtm
A three component vector that can store either floats or doubles. The underlying implementation is RTM's vector4f or vector4d.
template<typename value_type>
struct generic_vec3_scalar
A three component vector that can store either floats or doubles. The underlying implementation is basic scalar math.
template<typename value_type, typename vector_type_raw>
struct generic_vec4_rtm
A four component vector that can store either floats or doubles. The underlying implementation is RTM's vector4f or vector4d.
template<typename T, size_t L>
struct json_serializer_template


using bounds2f32 = generic_bounds<vec2f32>
using bounds2f64 = generic_bounds<vec2f64>
using bounds2i8 = generic_bounds<vec2i8>
using bounds2i16 = generic_bounds<vec2i16>
using bounds2i32 = generic_bounds<vec2i32>
using bounds2i64 = generic_bounds<vec2i64>
using bounds2u8 = generic_bounds<vec2u8>
using bounds2u16 = generic_bounds<vec2u16>
using bounds2u32 = generic_bounds<vec2u32>
using bounds2u64 = generic_bounds<vec2u64>
using bounds2f = generic_bounds<vec2f>
using bounds2d = generic_bounds<vec2d>
using bounds2i = generic_bounds<vec2i>
using bounds2u = generic_bounds<vec2u>
using rectf = bounds2f
using rect2 = bounds2d
using bounds3f = generic_bounds<vec3f>
using bounds3d = generic_bounds<vec3d>
using aabbf = bounds3f
using aabbd = bounds3d
using bounds4f = generic_bounds<vec4f>
using bounds4d = generic_bounds<vec4d>
using bounds2 = bounds2f
using bounds3 = bounds3f
using bounds4 = bounds4f
using rect = bounds2
using aabb = bounds3
using mat4f = generic_mat4_rtm<float, wrappers::v4f, wrappers::v4f, wrappers::qf, wrappers::m3x4f, wrappers::m4x4f>
using mat4d = generic_mat4_rtm<double, wrappers::v4d, wrappers::v4d, wrappers::qd, wrappers::m3x4d, wrappers::m4x4d>
using mat4 = mat4f
using vector3_type = vec3f
using normalf = generic_normal
using normald = generic_normal
using normal = generic_normal
using pointf = generic_point
using pointd = generic_point
using point = pointf
using quatf = generic_quat<float, wrappers::qf, wrappers::m3x4f, wrappers::m4x4f, vec3f, mat4f>
using quatd = generic_quat<double, wrappers::qd, wrappers::m3x4d, wrappers::m4x4d, vec3d, mat4d>
using quat = quatf
using vec2f32 = generic_vec2_scalar<float>
using vec2f64 = generic_vec2_scalar<double>
using vec2i8 = generic_vec2_scalar<int8_t>
using vec2i16 = generic_vec2_scalar<int16_t>
using vec2i32 = generic_vec2_scalar<int32_t>
using vec2i64 = generic_vec2_scalar<int64_t>
using vec2u8 = generic_vec2_scalar<uint8_t>
using vec2u16 = generic_vec2_scalar<uint16_t>
using vec2u32 = generic_vec2_scalar<uint32_t>
using vec2u64 = generic_vec2_scalar<uint64_t>
using vec2f = vec2f32
using vec2d = vec2f64
using vec2i = vec2i32
using vec2u = vec2u32
using vec2 = vec2f
using vec3f32 = vec3f_rtm
using vec3f64 = vec3d_rtm
using vec3i8 = vec3i8_scalar
using vec3i16 = vec3i16_scalar
using vec3i32 = vec3i32_scalar
using vec3i64 = vec3i64_scalar
using vec3u8 = vec3u8_scalar
using vec3u16 = vec3u16_scalar
using vec3u32 = vec3u32_scalar
using vec3u64 = vec3u64_scalar
using vec3f = vec3f32
using vec3d = vec3f64
using vec3i = vec3i32
using vec3u = vec3u32
using vec3 = vec3f
using vec3f32_rtm = generic_vec3_rtm<float, wrappers::v4f>
using vec3f64_rtm = generic_vec3_rtm<double, wrappers::v4d>
using vec3f_rtm = vec3f32_rtm
using vec3d_rtm = vec3f64_rtm
using vec3f32_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<float>
using vec3f64_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<double>
using vec3i8_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<int8_t>
using vec3i16_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<int16_t>
using vec3i32_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<int32_t>
using vec3i64_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<int64_t>
using vec3u8_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<uint8_t>
using vec3u16_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<uint16_t>
using vec3u32_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<uint32_t>
using vec3u64_scalar = generic_vec3_scalar<uint64_t>
using vec3f_scalar = vec3f32_scalar
using vec3d_scalar = vec3f64_scalar
using vec3i_scalar = vec3i32_scalar
using vec3u_scalar = vec3u32_scalar
using vec4f = generic_vec4_rtm<float, wrappers::v4f>
A vector with four 32 bit floating point components.
using vec4d = generic_vec4_rtm<double, wrappers::v4d>
A vector with four 64 bit floating point components.
using vec4 = vec4f


auto deg_to_rad(float deg) -> float
auto rad_to_deg(float rad) -> float
template<typename matrix_type>
static auto operator*(const typename matrix_type::vec4_type& v, const matrix_type& m) -> MVM_INLINE_NODISCARD matrix_type::vec4_type noexcept
template<typename matrix_type>
static auto operator*(const matrix_type& m, const typename matrix_type::vec4_type& v) -> MVM_INLINE_NODISCARD matrix_type::vec4_type noexcept
template<typename value_type, typename quat_type_raw, typename underlying_matrix3x4_type_raw, typename underlying_matrix4x4_type_raw, typename vec3_type, typename mat4x4_type>
auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, const move::vectormath::generic_quat<value_type, quat_type_raw, underlying_matrix3x4_type_raw, underlying_matrix4x4_type_raw, vec3_type, mat4x4_type>& v) -> std::ostream&
template<typename value_type>
auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, const move::vectormath::generic_vec2_scalar<value_type>& v) -> std::ostream&
template<typename value_type, typename vector_type>
auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, const move::vectormath::generic_vec3_rtm<value_type, vector_type>& v) -> std::ostream&
template<typename value_type>
auto operator*(value_type v, const generic_vec3_scalar<value_type>& vec) -> MVM_INLINE_NODISCARD generic_vec3_scalar<value_type> noexcept
template<typename value_type, typename vector_type>
auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, const move::vectormath::generic_vec4_rtm<value_type, vector_type>& v) -> std::ostream&

Typedef documentation

using move::vectormath::rectf = bounds2f

using move::vectormath::rect2 = bounds2d

using move::vectormath::aabbf = bounds3f

using move::vectormath::aabbd = bounds3d

using move::vectormath::bounds2 = bounds2f

using move::vectormath::bounds3 = bounds3f

using move::vectormath::bounds4 = bounds4f

using move::vectormath::rect = bounds2

using move::vectormath::aabb = bounds3

using move::vectormath::mat4f = generic_mat4_rtm<float, wrappers::v4f, wrappers::v4f, wrappers::qf, wrappers::m3x4f, wrappers::m4x4f>

using move::vectormath::mat4d = generic_mat4_rtm<double, wrappers::v4d, wrappers::v4d, wrappers::qd, wrappers::m3x4d, wrappers::m4x4d>

using move::vectormath::mat4 = mat4f

typedef vec3f move::vectormath::vector3_type

using move::vectormath::pointf = generic_point

using move::vectormath::pointd = generic_point

using move::vectormath::point = pointf

using move::vectormath::quatf = generic_quat<float, wrappers::qf, wrappers::m3x4f, wrappers::m4x4f, vec3f, mat4f>

using move::vectormath::quatd = generic_quat<double, wrappers::qd, wrappers::m3x4d, wrappers::m4x4d, vec3d, mat4d>

using move::vectormath::quat = quatf

using move::vectormath::vec2f32 = generic_vec2_scalar<float>

using move::vectormath::vec2f64 = generic_vec2_scalar<double>

using move::vectormath::vec2i8 = generic_vec2_scalar<int8_t>

using move::vectormath::vec2i16 = generic_vec2_scalar<int16_t>

using move::vectormath::vec2i32 = generic_vec2_scalar<int32_t>

using move::vectormath::vec2i64 = generic_vec2_scalar<int64_t>

using move::vectormath::vec2u8 = generic_vec2_scalar<uint8_t>

using move::vectormath::vec2u16 = generic_vec2_scalar<uint16_t>

using move::vectormath::vec2u32 = generic_vec2_scalar<uint32_t>

using move::vectormath::vec2u64 = generic_vec2_scalar<uint64_t>

using move::vectormath::vec2f = vec2f32

using move::vectormath::vec2d = vec2f64

using move::vectormath::vec2i = vec2i32

using move::vectormath::vec2u = vec2u32

using move::vectormath::vec2 = vec2f

using move::vectormath::vec3f32 = vec3f_rtm

using move::vectormath::vec3f64 = vec3d_rtm

using move::vectormath::vec3i8 = vec3i8_scalar

using move::vectormath::vec3u8 = vec3u8_scalar

using move::vectormath::vec3f = vec3f32

using move::vectormath::vec3d = vec3f64

using move::vectormath::vec3i = vec3i32

using move::vectormath::vec3u = vec3u32

using move::vectormath::vec3 = vec3f

using move::vectormath::vec3f32_rtm = generic_vec3_rtm<float, wrappers::v4f>

using move::vectormath::vec3f64_rtm = generic_vec3_rtm<double, wrappers::v4d>

using move::vectormath::vec4f = generic_vec4_rtm<float, wrappers::v4f>

A vector with four 32 bit floating point components.

using move::vectormath::vec4d = generic_vec4_rtm<double, wrappers::v4d>

A vector with four 64 bit floating point components.

using move::vectormath::vec4 = vec4f

Function documentation

float move::vectormath::deg_to_rad(float deg)

float move::vectormath::rad_to_deg(float rad)

template<typename matrix_type>
static MVM_INLINE_NODISCARD matrix_type::vec4_type move::vectormath::operator*(const typename matrix_type::vec4_type& v, const matrix_type& m) noexcept

template<typename matrix_type>
static MVM_INLINE_NODISCARD matrix_type::vec4_type move::vectormath::operator*(const matrix_type& m, const typename matrix_type::vec4_type& v) noexcept

template<typename value_type, typename quat_type_raw, typename underlying_matrix3x4_type_raw, typename underlying_matrix4x4_type_raw, typename vec3_type, typename mat4x4_type>
std::ostream& move::vectormath::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const move::vectormath::generic_quat<value_type, quat_type_raw, underlying_matrix3x4_type_raw, underlying_matrix4x4_type_raw, vec3_type, mat4x4_type>& v)

template<typename value_type>
std::ostream& move::vectormath::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const move::vectormath::generic_vec2_scalar<value_type>& v)

template<typename value_type, typename vector_type>
std::ostream& move::vectormath::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const move::vectormath::generic_vec3_rtm<value_type, vector_type>& v)

template<typename value_type>
MVM_INLINE_NODISCARD generic_vec3_scalar<value_type> move::vectormath::operator*(value_type v, const generic_vec3_scalar<value_type>& vec) noexcept

template<typename value_type, typename vector_type>
std::ostream& move::vectormath::operator<<(std::ostream& os, const move::vectormath::generic_vec4_rtm<value_type, vector_type>& v)